Social Justice League

And the Lord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.
1 Samuel 8:7 

Priests for All

If by the end of this entry you are wondering, "Why does he think I'm a socialist?" It's because you support the things I am speaking against and that you have been thoroughly discipled as a humanist. So I’ll say it out the gate: “If you think every individual’s worldview has value to add to the conversation about justice, ethics, morality, economics, and so forth, and is thereby granted a seat at the table as an equal voice you are deceived.” Yet, many brothers and sisters will find this offensive. Pray tell, dear brother, is the Christian worldview equal to the humanist worldview? Is it not superior to all others? Is not Christ our wisdom? Yet I hear a constant refrain to allow all peoples a voice to determine justice. Keep religion out of politics? I say this with love, you don’t know what you are talking about. Hearing all voices to determine if justice needs meted out is not the same thing as asking the offended what they would require in order to be satisfied in matters of justice. 

“The word spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward.”
Hebrews 2:2 

Because we have been thoroughly discipled as humanists we allow BLM’s and LGBTQ’s to have a voice in setting standards where God has already spoken. Because every worldview inescapably borrows from the one true worldview that is the Christian worldview you will always find the same foundational errors. One commonality in all worldviews that is borrowed from Christianity is priesthood. There must be a priest to speak in behalf of the people to appease their god. The transgender has its priesthood in the LGBTQ movement, for example. In order for the transgender to receive the justice they desire, or the homosexual who wanted marriage, they bring their plea to their god that they may receive blessing. But you’ll do well to notice that the BLM priesthood goes to the same god. Many Christians do the same. Who is this god? 

“Thus, the totalitarian democracy of progressive educators cannot tolerate Christianity because it is a rival religion. As totalitarian in nature, this democracy supplants all things in every area, art, economics, politics, athletics, and all else, with its own democratic interpretation, which is both total and totalitarian, and which usurps the total life of man and claims to be priest, prophet and king in and over every sphere of human activity.”—R.J. Rushdoony 

We the people. We the people have become god. But as individuals who all supposedly deserve a voice in matters we cannot all locally meet together. We must have the best of our group identities speak for us. These are our unique priests, our unique supermen, as it were. We come together as a hodgepodge of Social Justice League misfits. Each priest from each group speaks for his people that his people may receive what their hearts desire. Someone once said that humanism inevitably leads to socialism. They were correct. When Christians participate in this practice as if we are all to meet together, hear one another out, and come to a consensus, they have at least unwittingly just announced that Christ is not King. 

The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
Psalm 110:1 

Christ is Prophet, Priest, King

We do not argue like other men. We do not argue conservatism for conservatisms sake. Nor do we allow men to determine what is the just penalty for theft or any other crime. We most certainly do not grant them any authority to speak in our behalf. By meeting together and granting them equal weight on the scales of justice we effectively do just that very thing. No, we have a King who is true King and is wisest of all. We do not sit at the same table as they do but we meet at the one Table where all men may gather under true unity. We speak authoritatively because we speak  in behalf of the King who is King over all. We appeal to his law for justice, his truth for direction, his body for unity, and his resurrection for hope and promise of judgment without wavering that all the collected wisdom of the world be seen as foolish. So while the hordes of priests gather under the name of ‘unity’ that is actually humanism we stand where true unity is found and speak from that position to them. Don’t give an inch brothers. Be strong and do the work of priests. Perhaps we are yet to have God turn us over to the voice of the people in this Marxist trajectory. In either case, be bold.


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