Masks that Loop the Inner Ear

Warning! Now Entering Nonsensical Tirade Mode. Poor Grammar to Follow. 

If you are like most in this community you've either glibly or begrudgingly put on a mask because our overlords have demanded it of us—it's a joke, only slightly. Personally, I don't have any qualms with masks in themselves. I do, however, take issue with pretending we are all sick. I take issue because I believe we are to treat our fellow image bearers as God has commanded and not as the current and ever evolving sci-fi fantasies of secular humanism has commanded us. Our common law heritage in America guarantees a presumption of innocence on considerations of criminal actions. Yet, last year we collectively decided to criminalize illness without evidence. We are all individually guilty, without evidence, of possessing an illegal substance known as COVID-19. Ah, but you can prove your lack of intent to distribute this illicit drug by simply wearing a mask. As we say in these parts, "Hogwash." 

Tugging on the Inner Ear 

Typically by now those of you who are pro-mask and want to extend these mandates into the foreseeable future have your scientific research ready so as to give your rebuttal. You can hold on to that for now but you won't need it later. What I am going to tell you now may shock you but here it goes: Laws are not created by scientific hypotheses. These masks have been leading some of you around by the ear and it seems you've lost your equilibrium. Our Declaration of Independence says that we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights. The Bill of Rights was intended to expound upon these rights. Because these rights are not given by man they cannot be taken by man. When I remind you that to presume someone has committed a crime is wrong, especially without any evidence, I am appealing not only to our founding documents but also to our common law heritage which is our Biblical Law heritage. If you want to know what the Bible has to say about quarantining the sick look at Leviticus 13 and you'll notice only upon verifiable symptoms is a person examined and only upon a confirmed case is a person quarantined who has a communicable illness. I can hear the bellowing of "separation of Church and State" from here. Don't forget that our Constitution was signed according to the year of our Lord. We don't have an established church of the United States but there is no such separation of State and God. Inalienable rights are endowed by God, they are not granted by popular vote or scientific research. We all possess the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our governing authorities have the responsibility to protect these rights from being infringed. Our city officials who impose Pharisaical burdens on citizens are in violation of their oath of office. All persons who take issue with and seek to prevent their fellow image bearers the opportunity to fulfill their God-given pursuits are guilty of bearing false witness. They are guilty because they have accused another of ill intent and action without any judicial evidence. Asymptomatic assumptions are not evidence. You can't justly impose penalties on a man for drunk driving if he hasn't been drinking or driving. So it is, you cannot impose restrictions for the sick on the healthy. So, while there are some of us who risk being fined for not wearing a mask we have found that to be more reasonable than to carry a guilty conscience by lying about our own condition and the conditions of others. Indeed, there are some Tom Petty anti-maskers out here and we won't back down. 

Muzzles and Megaphones

What I would encourage the mask brigade to do is to set aside the rhetoric, bar graphs, research papers, famous and not so famous doctors' speeches and consider whether we ought to continue on this path of departing from our established and God-given standards of justice. Whether we simpletons can satisfactorily articulate our points to the elite or not, the reason many of us citizens are so upset is because we are tired of the mucking about with foundational issues of American Law which is based upon Biblical Law. We are witnessing the usurpation of established protections of God-given rights and the supplanting of a new system of law and daily life which grants the presumption of guilt without evidence. Even through your muffled voice we can hear you with all your pleas for 'compassion'. Can you hear us? We are quite perturbed by all the actual insanity and buffoonery going on all around us. Remember, the righteous man cares for the needs of his animal but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. Let's set aside the scaffolding of the secular utopia and look at its shifting and weak foundation. The inherent justice of man-made laws is cruel. So what's it going to be? We see what's going on here. What standard will it be? God or man? 

True Unity

For those who want to usher in the doctrine of the superman and order around us peasants from your promontory I simply urge you to repent. I would call you back from your deception and the pursuits of godless and pretentious thoughts and actions. It is not my standard that is being violated it is God's. But God has made a way for such violations to be remedied through his Son Christ Jesus. Our common unity is that we have all violated God's law and for this Christ was crucified, died and was buried. Yet, in rising from the dead he is greater than death and gives peace and victory to all who repent and confess his name. The path to renewed unity is only found in Christ. 

The Village in the Valley Idiot


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